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Rules for Enjoying Mt. Takao

To Protect the Wonderful Nature of Mt. Takao for Future Generations

We ask that visitors to Mt. Takao work together with us to protect the natural environment and scenery, as well as the diverse wildlife that lives here. Let's take care of the wonderful nature of Mt. Takao, so we can pass it along to future generations.

  1. Plan carefully and be prepared
    Ice remains on Mt. Takao until the early spring, and the sun sets early during the winter months. To protect your own life and safety, we recommend consulting with experienced hikers, confirming your goal and the trails you will take to get there, and avoiding any activities for which you are not thoroughly prepared.
  2. Do not leave trash on the mountain
    Mt. Takao was the first sightseeing location to ask its visitors to take their trash home with them. Littering harms the natural environment, scenery, and wildlife. Please take all garbage back to your home or hotel to dispose of it. We also recommend that you refrain from bringing items that will create garbage to Mt. Takao in the first place.
  3. Do not stray from the established trails
    Leaving the trails could cause you to become lost, or could lead to damage to the local plant life. Your risk of falling also increases if you leave the trails. For these reasons, we ask that you keep to the established hiking trails.
  4. Protect the local plants and animals
    The diverse plants and animals that live here in the wild are important members of our natural community. Please do not pick, collect, or capture the local plants or animals, as doing so could upset the ecosystem.
  5. Put out all fires
    Refrain from behavior such as littering cigarette butts, as such behavior can cause forest fires.
  6. Keep the restrooms and other public facilities clean
    Please take care to keep the facilities clean, so that all visitors to Mr. Takao can enjoy a comfortable visit.
  7. Keep all pets on a leash
    When you visit the mountain with your pets, please pick up after them. Keep pets on a leash or in a cage or carrier. Keep your pets clean and quiet, so that their presence does not inconvenience others.
  8. Do not bring mountain bikes or other vehicles onto the trails
    Refrain from bringing mountain bikes or other vehicles onto the trails, as doing so could injure pedestrians, harm plant life, or damage the trails themselves.
  9. Do not feed the animals
    Do not feed any wild animals you encounter. Doing so might harm the animals.


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Rules and Manners

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