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Features of Metropolitan Akikawa Hills Natural Park

Located in the band of hills on the right banks of the Akikawa River, this natural park borders Takiyama Prefectural Natural Park in the east and Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park in the west. The park is a roughly 12-km (9-mile) chain of hills around 300 m (985 ft.) high. The mountains here are covered with deciduous-tree and second-growth forests. The many valleys that lie between the hills form the low-lying areas of the park.

Metropolitan Akikawa Hills Natural Park is located in the hilly areas near the right bank of the Akigawa River. This natural park touches Takiyama Prefectural Natural Park in the east and Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park in the west. The three of them offer an abundance of nature. The park’s terrain is a chain of hills roughly 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) long and about 300 meters (985 feet) high. Most of the forests in the park are deciduous forests or planted forests. You can enjoy the views of many valleys between the mountains. Several valleys, including Akigawa Gorge, generate an abundance of nature that changes its appearance in each season.

Metropolitan Akikawa Hills Natural Park


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