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Features of Metropolitan Sayama Natural Park

This oval-shaped natural park is positioned in one corner of the Musashino area. The northern edge of the park borders Saitama Prefecture.
The park runs from Hakonegasaki through Higashi-Murayama, to the Sanjo Ridge and the Nijo Valley. Two reservoirs, the Murayama Reservoir and the Yamaguchi Reservoir, are located in its central hills, and the surrounding forest is a source of freshwater. The area surrounding the reservoirs is famous for its sakura, or Japanese cherry trees.

Metropolitan Sayama Natural Park includes parts of Higashi-Yamato City, Higashi-Murayama City, Musashi-Murayama City, and Mizuho Town in Nishi-Tama County. The designated area is about 775 hectares around Lake Tama (Murayama Reservoir) in the Sayama Hills. Because the terrain of Metropolitan Sayama Natural Park consists of small valleys created in complicated shapes by the erosion of the Sayama Hills, lush, undeveloped woodland still remains near these populated areas. Noyamakita Park and Rokudoyama Park are on the western side of Lake Sayama. Parts of the natural park are maintained as Sayama Park, Higashi-Yamato Park, and Hachikokuyama Park. This area is popular for its great scenery because visitors can enjoy beautiful landscapes of cherry blossoms, autumn foliage, and beautiful lakes.

Sayama Park


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